This morning during my morning prayers I sat where I normally do looking out the window at our tree and across at my neighbors trees. The leaves are turning from green to yellow and orange before turning bright red and then falling to the ground. Yesterday I spent the middle of the day raking leaves off my lawn and helped my neighbor out as well. By the time I returned home that evening leaves again covered our driveway and much of my neighbors lawn. It’s hard to even tell that I spent two hours raking leaves. 

Today I am thankful for the reminder that life and seasons continue erasing much of the frenzied activity of human beings. A lot of my work is like raking leaves — it seems important right now but tomorrow comes with a new sense of importance. 

Today I am thankful for the leaves. The colors of the leaves are beautiful. We did not choose this house because of the tree in our yard, but wow I am thankful for it. Walking to the park we got to show Ashlynn the time old tradition of kicking leaves with our boots. I am a father now, I’m almost 30 years old. The leaves turning bright colors made me think about how beautiful getting older can be. I think of the beauty of the souls of my family members who have aged. And I hope and long for the transformation from being the “green” young person with energy into the wise soul evoking thoughtful beauty. 

Let’s enter into the important work of today. We need to pick up the leaves, clear the way. Clean up our lives. There’s work to be done. But let’s not forget tomorrow is going to be another day with more work to do. The leaves will still be falling. I know the election continues to grab for our attention. The results do matter. The next president will shape our lives and that is important. But there will be a tomorrow when there’s more work to do. More leaves to be raked off. More beauty to be uncovered. More messy’s to fix. 

Tomorrow brings a new gospel reading for the week, but today I again read the Beatitudes during my morning prayer time. Reading in the Common English Bible translation the one about the “meek inheriting the Earth” is translated “happy are the humble.” In my study and journey of becoming more like Jesus I continue to come back to this one trait: humility. It’s what launched by book wiring project, it’s what I have come to define as the central characteristic of the gospel, and it is what I believe will help me face the important work with the right level of healthy detachment. 

Our drives for success, to achieve comfort, to get the “good life” I believe could be defined as “inheriting the earth.” Obviously I do not have the exact answer of what Jesus means, possibly this could be speaking of the “new heavens and the new earth” and these humble people inherit something unique or special or lead on this new earth in the afterlife. But I like to think Jesus’ words had and have at least some component of significance for the life here and now. And as I lean into humility, which manifests itself in listening to others and surrendering my power and control — I in fact find myself inheriting more of the dreams and desires of my heart. I’m less worried and anxious over many things. 

Thank you God for the leaves and created order that turns them into beautiful colors, as I age help me to turn more and more humble and also point to your beautiful created order through my actions, wisdom, and stillness.